My department/college would like to launch a self-supporting graduate professional degree program (SSGPDP) . How do I get started in the process, and what role does Nav-B play?

Nav-B will help you through the first stages of developing a proposal for a self-supporting professional graduate program (SSGPDP).  The first steps are to consult the UC Berkeley Financial Planning and Analysis website as well as the Graduate Division website for new graduate degree proposals, which detail the processes and policies for proposing and launching SSGPDPs. For Nav-B consultation, please start by submitting an inquiry through the Service form at the bottom of this page, and Nav-B will then schedule a kick-off meeting with the appropriate stakeholders to discuss the process and timeline, and consult on the program concept.  Nav-B will also send a more detailed project intake form to you, so that we can begin to assess the specifics of the proposed program.